Tsvetan Mladenov


Tsvetan Mladenov

My first word was not "Hello world"

I was born on September 23, 1999 in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. I'm not going to lie to you, I wasn't born with a computer in my hands and reading programming stories, but I loved to enjoy playing multiple logic games like chess or cards.

The moment I touched my first PC

I remember my first computer, an old desktop running Windows XP. I spent countless hours exploring how it worked and breaking things just to fix them.

Young Tsvetan with his first PC
Tsvetan coding

My journey into coding

I discovered coding in high school and fell in love with the logical aspect of problem-solving.

Not everything in life is coding

One of my biggest passions is traveling, especially in Asia. Recently, I had an amazing experience exploring Japan. I love discovering new cultures, food, and breathtaking places.

Tsvetan in Japan
Tsvetan doing paddle surf

Staying active is key

Besides coding, I love outdoor sports like running and beach volleyball. I also enjoy going to the gym to stay fit and energized.

Now that you know me better...

Let's explore my professional journey, personal projects, and everything I’ve been working on!

Tsvetan in sunshine
  • Start of Vocational Training

    I began a medium-grade vocational degree at Institut Campclar in Tarragona, where I learned about PC hardware, assembly, servers, IT services, and web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

    I also completed an internship at PCBOX Tarragona, a computer repair and sales store.

  • Advanced Web Development Studies

    I pursued a higher vocational degree in Web Application Development at Institut Vidal i Barraquer, solidifying my programming skills.

    I learned PHP, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, advanced front-end development, and server administration.

    I also interned at Movertis, where I later secured a full-time role.

  • Junior Developer at Movertis

    I officially joined Movertis, a company specializing in logistics solutions.

    Developed websites using PHP, JavaScript.

    Direct interaction with clients to build tailored solutions.

  • Full Stack Developer at Movertis

    Started working with Angular (frontend) and Express/Nest.js (backend).

    Learned Jenkins and performed basic DevOps tasks.

  • Full Stack Developer at Grup Oliva Motor

    Focused on SEO & Algolia-powered inventory search for e-commerce.

    Worked with Strapi CMS for content management.

    Developed an internal vehicle appraisal management system.

    Published projects: gomotor.com, grupolivamotor.com, car4cash.es.

  • Full Stack Developer at ONLEAN

    Working on app.onlean.com, a security management platform.

    Improving functionality, performance & user experience.

    Application used by BASF España & ASPY.

If you want to know more, you can download my CV.

What To Watch AI

What To Watch AI

A web app that helps you find movies and TV shows to watch based on your preferences. It uses a recommendation AI system to suggest content you'll love.


A weather app that provides you with the weather forecast for the next 7 days. It uses a weather API to get the data and displays it in a user-friendly way.

Japan 2 Weeks

Japan 2 Weeks

A travel itinerary web that helps you plan your trip to Japan. It provides you with a list of places to visit, things to do, and food to try.

SaaS Backend Template

A scalable and production-ready SaaS backend template built with NestJS, PostgreSQL (Prisma ORM), and Stripe for subscription management. Features authentication, role-based access control, logging with Loki & Grafana, and Docker support for easy deployment.

SaaS Backend Template

If you want to know more, visit my GitHub